Jamie took me to Bournemouth to collect my car, which disappointingly was not red, even though I had especially noted this as a request on my online booking. I also slightly resented that they thought I might have an accident as the car had VW written on it at the front, which I think stands for Very Worried. I therefore took out full insurance just to be sure. I shook for the first few minutes of driving, mostly because I wanted a pee, but also, because I fully expected the English roads to behave differently to ours, and be sort of soft and billowy to drive on, or perhaps turn into large crevasses and swallow me up. Fortunately they didn’t do either of those things, and before long I had learned to trust them, and drove more or less as I do when at home. I had been warned that Britain is a surveillance society, and watched out for the speed cameras. The English are so careful they even have lights at some of their roundabouts, and they are frankly roundabout crazy. I hate roundabouts, because when I go into them I can never work out how it is that I can turn left without hitting the person in the left lane. Someone explained it to me once, drawing it on paper for me, but I wasn't convinced. I know it doesn't work, because I often get tooted at when I turn left, and sometimes have to go around twice as I am too scared to get off. I had loaded up Francoise (my GPS) with Western Europe maps, and Jamie had marked his house as my UK home in case I got lost, so it was just a matter of following the voice instructions (called Jane) and maps to my UK home. I have no idea where I was or how I got there but it worked. I parked Very Worried neatly in their drive alongside the BMWs and she tried to look comfortable there and sort of succeeded, being the same colour. Grey.
Frankie and Jamie's place is a kind of Waterloo station, with all kinds of friends and relatives coming around all the time, so I finally met Jane’s and Jamie’s mother, Jill. I felt comfortable with my initials, as they are the same as theirs. I even gave Jane (Poulston) my hotmail name a few years ago. Jill was lovely – I do wish I had met her when she was younger, as she seems like someone who enjoys a party. It was also wonderful to meet Amy's cousins Mike (who is very funny) and Charlie (who looks just like Edwin), and I knew I would be sorry to leave them the next day.
Frankie showed me her garden – I was pleased to see they had some flax in it. I saw a red fox in the garden, from inside the house, and a squirrel (which was not in the house). Frankie says squirrels are just rats with fluffy tails, but as I like rats that didn’t put me off. They are very cute and I think if Annie could keep a squirrel she probably would, although perhaps Falcor wouldn't like that.
We had had a good day with lots of people for lunch and all kinds of stuff going on, but Jamie wasn’t satisfied with that – we also had to go and meet his mistress at the yacht club, and have a drink there. We went outside and huddled pathetically in the red cape mum gave me a couple of weeks ago, but stayed long enough for me to see that their boat had all the usual boatie attachments such as a mast and sails and stuff. I was very relieved about that, and now I worry less about their safety.
The photo is of us having breakfast/lunch/dinner/coffee. Note Jane at the kitchen sink polishing a boat propeller. She has some very odd habits.
Next instalment:Finding Poulston Farm
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