24 May 2014: Hovering in Hove

You will be pleased to learn I got on the plane okay. It's now the gorgeous next day and I am watching the sea from Sally and Jacques' place at Hove, having survived the haul over here. We flew over South West Canada (sort of Toronoto, Montreal then Hudson Bay areas) and I tried to give the pilot a note to drop out the window for Rosie, but he said it was too cold to open the window. Then we went over the southern tip of Greenland, which was just amazing - huge ice floes, and lots of mountains and glaciers and snow, but no sign of habitation - probably a tad cold for farming and fishing so until someone finds oil or gold there it will hopefully be left alone. I am not so worried about global warming now, as we can all move to Greenland and live there - there's heaps of space. I will speak with my people about buying some land there.

I didn't get an upgrade on this leg but slept quite well. Watched the Railway Man and more of Sherlock and entirely forgot to update my presentation for the conference, so I had to do this really this morning as it was due today. Phew.

It was a bit nasty driving down here. It took an hour to collect the car, and Mr Budget felt so bad about the queues and delays he upgraded my booked tiny little car for 100 GBP for the entire week, to a nice Audi with bells and whistles. Once I figured out how to turn off the bells and whistles (the noise was irritating) I headed for Hove, accompanied by my good friend Francoise the GPS.  Unfortunately I had forgotten to see how the demister etc works, so once on the M25, which was very busy, when it started raining, the car fogged up inside and I couldn't see anything. I slowed down, which provoked lots of flashing lights from those behind, so I wended my way to to the slow lane and started playing with the knobs and buttons. The radio worked well. Eventually the road both in front and behind became apparent again, but it was a bit unpleasant in the meantime. When I arrived at Hove I was jubilant - the sea appeared at the end of the road and I started singing joyfully about how clever I was, turned left, then left again (I knew where the place was), and eventually found a park and arrived at what looked like their door. As I wasn't sure which button to press, I pressed all four, and held them down while I said 'hello Sally, it's me, I am here.' A man who was not Sally came to the door and said Sally did not live there. I asked if he had seen a Frenchman around (Jacques) and he looked puzzled and said no. I didn't believe him, but he asked me to show him the address I was looking for, which I did, on my trusty red device. By the way, my device is still not communicating with the outside world, as I haven't worked out how to buy a data bundle. The nice man pointed out that all the doors in Hove look the same, and I was in the quite the wrong street and at quite the wrong door. Sniff.  He was right, I was wrong, not surprisingly.

Several streets later I found another very similar looking door (he was right, they are all the same) with many more buttons, but this one had a 10 on it, so I pressed that and found Sally!  She answers to ten. I attach
evidence of our next few hours.

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